Mooney 201 - 1/5th Share for Sale £27,500

- Location:
- EGSC Cambridge City Airport
- Address:
- Cambridge City Airport,
Newmarket Rd, - Cambridge
- CB5 8RX
- Mobile:
- 07969 791292
- Website:
- Miscellaneous Information:
Mooney 201 - 1/5th Share for Sale £27,500
Based and Hangared at Cambridge AirportWe have a one-fifth share for sale in our longstanding Mooney 201 syndicate, G-BKMA based at Cambridge (EGSC). Mike Alpha is kept in Number One hangar and is put online and fuelled on request by Marshalls’ staff.
Mike Alpha is a Mooney 201 built in 1982 and imported into the UK in 1992. It was bought by the existing syndicate in 1992 and brought to Cambridge where it has remained since.
It is a superb aircraft for IFR touring, but probably best described as a 2+2 rather than a four seater. It’s not really the aircraft to go around grass strips, but is excellent for European and longer distance UK touring.
Over the past few years, the avionics has been significantly updated and is now extremely good.
• Dual Garmin G5 AHI / HIS
• Garmin GFC 500 autopilot
• Garmin GTN 750 IFR nav system
• Garmin GTX 330 transponder with ADSB-out
• PilotAware
• Golze satellite weather system + StormscopeSee for more details.
If you’re interested in joining us, please contact Neil McGovern by completing the contact form below.